Numerales de 1 a 15
Para ver los numerales que se usan en este crucigrama haz clic aquĆ.
Click on a word to select it and to choose the direction for filling in the word.
Use 'Borrar' to erase the puzzle. Use 'comprobar' to check which letters are correct in the selected word.
Use 'Mostrar' to show the solution for a selected word. Use 'Clave' to reveal the solution for the entire crossword puzzle.
1 | uno
2 | dos
3 | tres
4 | cuatro
5 | cinco
6 | seis
7 | siete
8 | ocho
9 | nueve
10 | diez
11 | once
12 | doce
13 | trece
14 | catorce
15 | quince